I know that Elon Musk wanted to make it to Mars first but I beat him! I was one of the first people to travel to Mars. Mars is a barren and quiet planet but definitely not inhospitable. Within this video, I explain how I successfully traveled to Mars. #Mars #ElonMusk #MINIMAX #HailuoAI
How I Beat Musk to Mars
By IrixGuy|2025-02-23T20:25:43-06:00February 23rd, 2025|Categories: AI with IrixGuy|Tags: AI, Artificial Intelligence, building a community on Mars, Elon Musk, growing plants on Mars, HailuoAI, How I beat Elon Musk to Mars, How I beat Musk to Mars, How I made it to Mars before Musk, landing on Mars, Life on Mars, Mars, Mars mission, MINIMAX, Mission to Mars, surviving on Mars, What it's like to live on Mars, What life is like on Mars|Comments Off on How I Beat Musk to Mars
About the Author: IrixGuy

On a constant quest for adventure, IrixGuy created IrixGuy's Adventure Channel to share the excitement. Please follow IrixGuy throughout social media and share with others too!