Unlike larger and thicker dry bags, this dry bag brings a unique advantage to the table! It’s super lightweight and extremely portable. It includes a stuff sack for while not in use. For photographers, etc. that need to travel light and need to protect expensive gear from rain, this is a great accessory to throw in the bag! It’s also great for backpacking, kayaking and other applications where dry storage may be needed. It’s worth noting that this material is thin (it feels like the material that most backpacking tents are made from), so for rugged use, a larger and thicker dry bag would be optimal. For enhanced portability and convenience, this dry bag is a great option!

Available on Amazon.comaquafree 2.5L 5L 10L 15L 20L Ultralight Waterproof Lightweight Dry Bag, Keeps Safe & Dry During Watersports & Outdoor Ultra Strong Silicone-Coated Nylon & Weighs Less Than 2 Oz.