Savage Gulf Alum Gap Campsite #3 is great! If you’re looking for a campsite with elevation and a nice view, this one is great! There are several other campsites at Alum Gap but campsites #3 and #4 have the best view. Be sure to reserve your campsite, as backcountry camping in Savage Gulf requires a reservation. To get to Alum Gap campsite, I recommend hiking in on the rim trail. It offers spectacular views. For the hike out, either do the rim trail again or take the shortcut to complete the loop. #SavageGulf #AlumGap
Savage Gulf Alum Gap Campsite #3 Review
By IrixGuy|2019-12-14T11:34:44-06:00December 14th, 2019|Categories: Backpacking|Tags: Alum Gap, backcountry camping, backpacking, best Savage Gulf campsites, Campsites with a view, campsites with elevation, nature, Savage Gulf, Savage Gulf Alum Gap Campsite 3, South Cumberland State Park, wilderness|Comments Off on Savage Gulf Alum Gap Campsite #3 Review
About the Author: IrixGuy

On a constant quest for adventure, IrixGuy created IrixGuy's Adventure Channel to share the excitement. Please follow IrixGuy throughout social media and share with others too!