This is the hike from Clingman’s Dome to Andrew’s Bald. To get to Andrew’s Bald, park in the Clingman’s Dome parking lot and hike Forney Ridge Trail. Forney Ridge Trail is very rocky, so you will likely want hiking poles if conditions are icy or wet. Microspikes may be a wise idea too. Please also keep in mind that Forney Ridge Trail is at elevation, so dress accordingly (it’ll be much colder than the lower parts of the park). #AndrewsBald #ForneyRidgeTrail #SmokyMountains
Forney Ridge Trail to Andrew’s Bald
By IrixGuy|2021-11-14T08:18:21-06:00November 14th, 2021|Categories: Backpacking, Smoky Mountains|Tags: Andrew's Bald, Best hikes in the Smoky Mountains, Forney Ridge Trail, GoPro, GoPro Andrew's Bald, GoPro Forney Ridge Trail, hiking, Most scenic Smoky Mountains hikes, Smoky Mountainins, Smoky Mountains hikes with views, The hike to Andrew's Bald, Trails from Clingman's Dome parking lot|Comments Off on Forney Ridge Trail to Andrew’s Bald
About the Author: IrixGuy

On a constant quest for adventure, IrixGuy created IrixGuy's Adventure Channel to share the excitement. Please follow IrixGuy throughout social media and share with others too!