This is an honest review of Hailuo AI. Hailuo AI, often referred to as “MINIMAX,” is a generative AI tool for creating videos. Minimax can perform image to video AI generations and also text to video AI generations. In other words, MINIMAX can use an uploaded photo, to become part of the AI-generated video or it can use text to video to completed an AI-generated video completely from scratch! MINIMAX is still in its infancy but this is mind-blowing AI technology! As AI for video continues to evolve, it’s going to be awesome to witness how convincing AI-generated videos will become! Please subscribe, share and check out all of my other AI with IrixGuy videos too! #HailuoAI #MINIMAX #AI #GenerativeAI #AIWithIrixGuy #ArtificialIntelligence
Hailuo AI Review “MINIMAX” – Generative AI for Video
By IrixGuy|2025-02-18T20:23:32-06:00February 18th, 2025|Categories: AI with IrixGuy, Review, Tech|Tags: AI, AI video creation tools, AI with IrixGuy, Artificial Intelligence, generative AI, Generative AI for video, Hailuo AI, Hailuo AI demonstration, Hailuo AI review, How to create videos with AI, How to generate videos with AI, MINIMAX, MINIMAX demonstration, MINIMAX review, text to video AI video generation|Comments Off on Hailuo AI Review “MINIMAX” – Generative AI for Video
About the Author: IrixGuy

On a constant quest for adventure, IrixGuy created IrixGuy's Adventure Channel to share the excitement. Please follow IrixGuy throughout social media and share with others too!