This is how to get to St. John and what to do on St. John. St. John is one of my favorite islands! There is no airport on St. John but it’s a short car barge ride from St. Thomas. Within this video, I explain how to travel to St. John, as well as showcase my favorite beaches and food on St. John. Enjoy, share and check out my playlist full of other St. John videos too! #StJohn #USVI
St. John – How to Get There & What to Do
By IrixGuy|2020-07-15T21:29:55-05:00July 15th, 2020|Categories: Caribbean Travel Advice, HOW-TO, St. John, Travel, Tutorial|Tags: Captain IrixGuy, Caribbean, Caribbean travel advice, Caribbean vacation rentals, Coral Bay, Discount Car VI, Honeymoon Beach, How to fly to St. John, How to get to St. John, Morgan's Mango, St. John, St. John airport, ST. John beaches, St. John car barge, St. John car ferry, St. John car rental, St. John dining, St. John food, St. John restaurants, St. John vacation rental, Trunk Bay, USVI|Comments Off on St. John – How to Get There & What to Do
About the Author: IrixGuy

On a constant quest for adventure, IrixGuy created IrixGuy's Adventure Channel to share the excitement. Please follow IrixGuy throughout social media and share with others too!