Shortly before sunrise, I observed what appeared to be multiple UFOs flying in a straight-line formation. It was a sincerely creepy sight and a traditional aircraft that appeared to be following and monitoring the UFOs was disturbing as well. I attempted to video the UFOs with my smartphone but failed to capture the incident. After researching “straight line UFOs” online, I finally stumbled upon a video that was exactly what I saw. Elon Musk’s SpaceX company launched StarLink satellites to provide broadband Internet everywhere. Apparently the StarLink satellites are too reflective and have created an abundance of UFO sightings worldwide. I still believe in UFOs but this particular UFO incident has been debunked! #UFO #SpaceX #StarLink
String of Lights UFO That I Saw
By IrixGuy|2020-01-13T18:41:49-06:00January 13th, 2020|Categories: News, Tech|Tags: Elon Musk, multiple UFOs in line, railroad in the sky, SpaceX, StarLink, straight line UFOs, String of lights UFO, UFO, UFO sighting, UFOs flying in formation, UFOs in straight line, white line of UFOs|Comments Off on String of Lights UFO That I Saw
About the Author: IrixGuy
On a constant quest for adventure, IrixGuy created IrixGuy's Adventure Channel to share the excitement. Please follow IrixGuy throughout social media and share with others too!