▶︎Cast-Iron Grill Grates – https://irixguy.com/CastIronGrillGrates ▶︎Weber Grill – https://irixguy.com/Weber22 ▶︎Air Fryer, Accessories & Recipes – https://irixguy.com/airfry This is how to cook the best chicken wings! For this preparation, I first baked my chicken wings at 250 degrees for thirty minutes in a wet marinade with fresh chopped garlic. That helped with tenderness and to penetrate the wings with incredible flavor! Next, I grilled the wings over hickory. Finally, I air-fried the wings to make the crispy! The end result was a perfect chicken wing! It had the texture of a traditionally-fried wing minus the grease! It also had an amazing hickory and garlic flavor that penetrated the meat! Tossing in sauce is completely optional. I tossed my wings in a ghost pepper sauce, prior to plating them. I served with grilled squash, baby carrots, celery and ranch dressing! #Wings #AirFry #ChefIrixGuy
Pre-Baked, Smoked & Then Air-Fried Wings
By IrixGuy|2021-08-30T15:06:50-05:00August 30th, 2021|Categories: Air Fry, Cooking, Food|Tags: Air Fried Wings, Chef IrixGuy, chicken, chicken wings preparation, cooking videos, How to cook flavorful chicken wings, How to cook perfect chicken wings, Smoked Wings, wings|Comments Off on Pre-Baked, Smoked & Then Air-Fried Wings
About the Author: IrixGuy

On a constant quest for adventure, IrixGuy created IrixGuy's Adventure Channel to share the excitement. Please follow IrixGuy throughout social media and share with others too!