Cooking the perfect filet mignon isn’t that difficult! It starts with the perfect cut of meat! When I purchase filet mignon, I always do so from a quality butcher. I’m always careful to not use overpowering marinade. Doing so would cover up the incredible beef flavor. I always cook over hickory chips for maximum flavor profile. Enjoy and share! #FiletMignon #ChefIrixGuy
Grilling the PERFECT Filet Mignon
By IrixGuy|2021-05-30T07:59:23-05:00May 30th, 2021|Categories: Cooking, Food, HOW-TO, Tutorial|Tags: Chef IrixGuy, filet mignon, grilling steak, How to cook the perfect filet mignon, How to grill the perfect filet mignon, marinating steak, steak, steak over hickory|Comments Off on Grilling the PERFECT Filet Mignon
About the Author: IrixGuy

On a constant quest for adventure, IrixGuy created IrixGuy's Adventure Channel to share the excitement. Please follow IrixGuy throughout social media and share with others too!